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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Valentine's Day Word Bingo: A Listening Activity

For Valentine's Day I created a heart-shaped word cloud using Tagxedo. From this list of words, students can choose 16 to fill in a small bingo chart, easily made by folding a piece of white printer paper four times. Candy hearts make fun bingo markers. Inspirational credit belongs to Classroom Compulsion.
Update: Before my students played Bingo, I wanted to make sure they understood the denotations and connotations of the words. They rated the words on a scale, from negative to positive, by listing them based on their perception of the connotations after I explained the definitions; then I gave each student one of the words, printed on paper, and they silently lined up along the wall, representing a scale from negative to positive. By this time, they had heard and read the words multiple times. Playing Bingo reinforced the pronunciations and spellings, and I also repeated definitions or example sentences while we played the game. At the end of class, they had read and heard each word at least ten times, and as all teachers know, repetition is key for students' acquisition of new vocabulary.

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